Cricket Couple’s Ultimate Fun | Gowtham and Archana | GamePlan Today Talks

GamePlan Today Talks invites you all for the super couple session with Gowtham and his wife, Archana.

Let us not wait for a moment to start this lively, interactive, and cute session.

We were starting with how the couple got to know each other?

It was the first phase of IPL where Gowtham and Archana met each other. They both met through a familiar friend in the year 2010.

At first, they never liked each other. Then, one fine day, Gowtham took her number and texted her “Night”. Archana said no one would reply to any stranger’s text. So, Archana ignored Gautham’s text as she didn’t have his number.

Gowtham thought that Archana had got too much of an attitude. So the day they started getting to know each other, they will fight every day from then on.

In their first two years of relationship, they both were fighting like mad people and, still, they both stayed together. Their relationship kept going, and they both are pregnant now.

They made sure that after marriage, they both didn’t fight.

In Sync

The couples were asked few questions and the answers they provided are as follows:

“When & Where was their First Date?” was the first question.

They answered that they both went to Indira Nagar Cafe.

The upcoming question was, “The one thing Archana is Craving now?”

Archana said Junk, whereas Gowtham told it was chocolates.

The following section will be You or Me

Most likely to Say Sorry First is Archana.

Most likely to Take more Time to Get Ready is also Archana.

Who is the most Romantic one? It is Gowtham.

Who is more OCD than the other? It was Gowtham. Gowtham likes cleaning, so whatever is messy, Gowtham tries to clean up everything.

Most likely to Plan a Surprise. Both the couples were arguing in a softer tone that they were the best planners.

Who is most likely to pamper when the baby they are born? It will be Gautham. Archana said it was fully him. She was nowhere close with them.

Who has more patience?  It was Gautham.

Who is likely to cry after watching a movie? And the answer is Archana for any film. It was easy for Gautham since he sleeps when the movie gets bored for him.

Super Connect

In this section, Archana will be asking questions about her to Gautham, and Gautham will be answering them. 

Last thing Archana does before going to bed. Gautham said she would use the phone.

Sometimes what annoys her the most? It was Gautham using his phone.

Which country does Archana love to visit? Gautham answered she likes more of India, like Kashmir.

One thing that Gautham would buy for Archana at a Mall? His answer was Jewelry.

One thing Archana dislikes in people? When people don’t respond, Archana gets irritated. This was the answer given by Gautham.

Finally, GamePlan Today Talks have taken you a virtual word trip with this ultimate couple session.

We expect you all might have admired the beautiful and cute couple. So gamePlan Today and its crew on this auspicious day wish Gautham and Archana a comfortable pregnancy journey and a beautiful parenting life.
