UCC last three match batting stats
UCC last three match bowling stats
PCC last three match batting stats
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PCC last three match bowling stats
UCC total runs by batsmen in last three games
Name | Total |
PiyushsinghBaghel | 122 |
PramodBagauly | 49 |
AbhimanyuSingh | 17 |
AmitPangarkar | 16 |
GhanshyamKumar | 10 |
ShyamalJoshi | 9 |
AyushSharma | 7 |
ArpanShukla | 4 |
ZahidIqbal | 3 |
RaviGorhe | 2 |
MustafaNawab | 0 |
AmandeepsinghBindra | 0 |
UCC total wickets by batsmen in last three games
Name | Wickets |
ArpanShukla | 3 |
PramodBagauly | 2 |
ZahidIqbal | 2 |
AmandeepsinghBindra | 1 |
GhanshyamKumar | 1 |
MustafaNawab | 0 |
PCC total runs by batsmen in last three games
Name | Total |
NaeemLala | 125 |
SudeshWickramasekara | 101 |
ArunAshokan | 58 |
RajhGnanatheeswaran | 36 |
SameeraMaduranga | 5 |
SuryaRengarajan | 1 |
PrakashSadasivan | 1 |
PrayagRavi | 0 |
HilalAhmad | 0 |
NaveenPadmaraju | 0 |
AliHassanSittar | 0 |
SmitPatel0I | 0 |
SudithaUdugala | 0 |
JahangirWani | 0 |
DipankumarPatel | 0 |
PCC total wickets by batsmen in last three games
Name | Wickets |
AliHassanSittar | 1 |
NaveenPadmaraju | 2 |
ArunAshokan | 4 |
SmitPatel0I | 0 |
NaeemLala | 2 |
PrakashSadasivan | 0 |
SudeshWickramasekara | 2 |
SuryaRengarajan | 2 |
SameeraMaduranga | 3 |
UCC last three match stats
- United CC vs Brno CC (31st May 2022)
Brno CC won by 2 wickets.
- Prague CC vs United CC (01st June 2022)
Prague CC won by 37 runs.
- United CC vs Bohemain CC (01st June 2022)
Bohemain CC won by 5 wickets.
PCC last three match stats
- Prague CC vs Brno CC (01st June 2022)
Prague CC won by 101 runs.
- Brno CC vs Prague CC (2nd june 2022)
Prague won by 7 runs.
- Bohemain CC vs Prague CC (2nd June 2022)
Prague won 7 runs.