English Women ODD SES vs THU player stats by gameplantoday

In today’s prediction in gameplantoday, Let us discuss the match details between the teams South East Stars VS Thunder & Western Storm Vs Sunrisers.

  1. South East Stars vs Thunder
  2. Western Storm vs Sunrisers

SES vs THU Match Details

Match details: Match 26, Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy,2021 is scheduled between the teams South East stars VS Thunder.

Venue details: The match is happening at St Lawrence Cricket ground, Canterbury, England.

Date: 18th September 2021

Day: Saturday

Time:3:00 PM.

SES vs THU Pitch Report

Pitch Analysis!

According to the expert’s analysis and based on the last 2 years’ statistics of the pitch analysis at the St Lawrence Cricket ground, England is over all favourable for the batting and it is best suitable for the pacers.

Weather Analysis!

The weather reported at the St Lawrence cricket stadium is predicted with clear clouds and there is no probability of rainfall during the match.

SES Player Stats

Based on the last 45 ODI mactes played,the team SES had won 2 matches and had lost 3 matches and the team SES’s team strength is strong batting and they could score a better innings than the team opponent. Based on the last 2 years ODI matches played, the top key players of the team SES are B Smith,A Capsey and K Moore who had played a match at today’s venue and had secured a good striking rate. The key bowlers of the team SES are B Smith, A Davidson Richards, A Capsey who had taken maximum wickets against the team opponent. In today;s match B Smith is expected to be the Key batters and joint partnership with the A Capsey is expected to secure more innings for their team.

South East Starsvs Northern Diamonds on 12th Junevs Lightning on 10th Septembervs Central Sparks on 12th September
BattingRuns (Down)Runs (Down)Runs (Down)
Bryony.Smith31 (Opener)84 (Opener)16 (Opener)
Alice.Davidson-Richards14 (Opener)5 (Opener)4 (Opener)
Chloe.Brewer25 (1 down)DNPDNP
Kirstie.White73 (2 down)6 (1 down)13 (1 down)
Alice.Capsey21 (3 down)78 (2 down)26 (2 down)
Aylish.Cranstone42 (4 down)17 (3 down)18 (3 down)
Grace.Gibbs1 (5 down)1 (6 down)DNP
Phoebe.Franklin28 (6 down)9 (5 down)7 (6 down)
Kira.Chathli- (7 down)21 (4 down)3 (5 down)
Freya.Davies- (8 down)DNPDNP
Danielle.Gregory- (9 down)0 (9 down)0 (9 down)
Kalea.MooreDNP39 (7 down)11 (7 down)
Emma.JonesDNP20 (8 down)0 (4 down)
Ryana.Macdonald.gayDNPDNP0 (8 down)
Bowling Stats
Freya.Davies9.2 (1)DNPDNP
Alice.Davidson-Richards7 (0)6.2 (2)7.1 (2)
Grace.Gibbs8 (2)5 (0)DNP
Bryony.Smith10 (1)10 (3)9 (2)
Danielle.Gregory10 (2)10 (0)5 (1)
Phoebe.Franklin2 (0)6 (2)5 (1)
Alice.Capsey3 (0)9 (2)6 (0)
Kalea.MooreDNP3 (0)4 (1)
Ryana.Macdonald.gayDNPDNP9 (2)
Emma.JonesDNP-4 (0)

THU Player Stats

According to the last 5 ODI matches played, the team THU had won 2 matches and lost to 3 matches and the team’s THU USP are they are good at bowling and they can really defend the team opponent with the strong bowling and wicket taking. Georgie Boyce is the leading opener of the team THU who had secured 67 runs in the match played against the team Northern diamonds. In today’s match Laura Marshall is expected to strike a half century and drive his team towards winning. The leading key bowlers of the team THU are Laura Jackson and Hannah Jones who is expected to bowl maximum number of overs and take off maximum wickets against the team opponent.

Thundervs Central Sparks on 12th Junevs South East Vipers on 10th Septembervs Northern Diamonds on 12th September
BattingRuns (Down)Runs (Down)Runs (Down)
Emma.Lamb39 (Opener)17 (Opener)- (9 down)
Georgie.Boyce26 (Opener)4 (Opener)67 (Opener)
Eleanor.Threlkeld31 (1 down)0 (2 down)13 (1 down)
Piepa.Cleary1 (2 down)DNPDNP
Natalie.Brown6 (3 down)1 (4 down)2 (3 down)
Rebecca.Duckworth1 (4 down)DNPDNP
Laura.Jackson30 (5 down)4 (6 down)22 (5 down)
Laura.Marshall32 (6 down)2 (5 down)42 (4 down)
Danielle.Collins8 (7 down)DNPDNP
Alex.Hartley4 (8 down)0 (9 down)6 (8 down)
Hannah.Jones- (9 down)2 (8 down)3 (7 down)
Seren.SmaleDNP0 (1 down)12 (Opener)
Kate.CrossDNP57 (3 down)DNP
Alice.DysonDNP6 (7 down)3 (6 down)
Daisy.MullanDNPDNP8 (2 down)
Bowling Stats
Piepa.Cleary9 (1)DNPDNP
Laura.Jackson8.5 (3)4 (0)10 (0)
Emma.Lamb10 (0)6 (1)2.4 (0)
Natalie.Brown2 (0)-8.2 (1)
Hannah.Jones10 (3)5 (2)10 (1)
Alex.Hartley10 (0)8.5 (2)10 (2)
Kate.CrossDNP10 (2)DNP
Alice.DysonDNP-9 (1)

WS vs SUN Match Details

Match details: Match 27, Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy,2021 is scheduled between the teams Western Storm Vs Sunrisers.

Venue details: The match is happening at County Ground, Bristol, England.

Date: 18th September 2021

Day: Saturday

Time:3:00 PM.

WS vs SUN Pitch Report

Pitch Analysis!

According to the expert’s analysis and based on the last 2 years’ statistics of the pitch analysis at the County Cricket Ground,Bristol, England is overall favourable for the batters and it is best suitable for the Pacers.

Weather Analysis!

The weather reported at the County Cricket Ground, England is predicted with to be cloudy and there is no probability of rainfall during the match.

WS Player Stats

The team WS USP is they are strong at batting when compared to the team opponent,in the last 5 ODI matches played,the team WS had won a matches and lost 4 matches and based on the last 2 years ODI match statistics, the key batters of the team WS are H Knight,S Luff and G Hennessy and scored a good striking rate when compared to other players of their team and the leading bowlers of the team WS are A Shrubsole, G Hennessy and F Morris who had picked off maximum wickets against the team opponent. In today’s match Sophie Luff the leading one down batsman is expected to score maximum innings for their team.

Western Stormvs Southern Vipers on 12th Junevs Northern Diamonds on 10th Septembervs Lightning on 12th September
Lauren.Parfitt10 (Opener)DNP11 (Opener)
Fi.Morris32 (Opener)30 (Opener)25 (Opener)
Sophie.Luff8 (1 down)65 (1 down)70 (1 down)
Georgia.Hennessy11 (2 down)5 (Opener)0 (2 down)
Katie.George37 (3 down)DNPDNP
Natasha.Wraith21 (4 down)0 (4 down)13 (5 down)
Danielle.Gibson16 (5 down)0 (3 down)29 (4 down)
Nicole.Harvey0 (6 down)DNP19 (6 down)
Emma.Corney7 (7 down)DNPDNP
Mollie.Robbins6 (8 down)DNPDNP
Lauren.Filer5 (9 down)0 (8 down)- (9 down)
Alex.GriffithsDNP36 (2 down)30 (3 down)
Bethan.GammonDNP0 (5 down)DNP
Chloe.SkeltonDNP30 (6 down)13 (7 down)
Joleigh.RobertsDNP0 (7 down)DNP
Stephanie.HutchinsDNP0 (9 down)DNP
Claire.NicholasDNPDNP- (8 down)
Bowling Stats
Lauren.Filer5.5 (1)5 (0)6 (1)
Mollie.Robbins4 (0)DNPDNP
Fi.Morris6 (1)3 (0)7 (2)
Georgia.Hennessy7 (0)8 (1)8 (2)
Nicole.Harvey6 (0)DNP8.2 (2)
Danielle.Gibson4 (0)2 (0)5 (1)
Sophie.Luff2 (0)--
Alex.GriffithsDNP3 (0)-
Stephanie.HutchinsDNP5 (2)-
Chloe.SkeltonDNP3 (0)-
Joleigh.RobertsDNP2.1 (0)DNP
Claire.NicholasDNPDNP7 (1)

SUN Player Stats

The team SUN’s USP are they are good at bowling when compared to the team opponent and in the last 5 ODI matches played the team had lost to all the 5 matches played and based on the last 2 years ODI matches played the leading key batsman of the team SUN are G Scrivens, C Griffith and J Gardner who had scored a maximum striking rate when compared to other players in the team,they own the best bowlers in their team namely K Wolfe,S Patel and A Macleod who had served as a best bowlers of their team and picked off maximum wickets against the team opponent.

Sunrisers vs Lightning on 12th Junevs Central Sparks on 10th Septembervs Southern Vipers on 12th September
Grace.Scrivens3 (Opener)26 (Opener)30 (Opener)
Alice.Macleod4 (Opener)46 (1 down)79 (1 down)
Amara.Carr10 (1 down)DNPDNP
Cordelia.Griffith33 (2 down)69 (Opener)91 (Opener)
Naomi.Dattani65 (3 down)7 (3 down)1 (3 down)
Kelly.Castle52 (4 down)8 (5 down)11 (4 down)
Joanne.Gardner0 (5 down)19 (4 down)3 (5 down)
Gayatri.Gole0 (6 down)- (7 down)DNP
Katie.Midwood10 (7 down)DNPDNP
Katherine.Speed2 (8 down)DNPDNP
Kate.Coppack6 (9 down)- (9 down)- (9 down)
Fran.WilsonDNP0 (2 down)65 (2 down)
Mia.RogersDNP8 (6 down)3 (6 down)
Emily.ThorpeDNP- (8 down)- (8 down)
Sonali.PatelDNPDNP- (7 down)
Bowling Stats
Kate.Coppack6.2 (0)6.2 (1)8 (0)
Naomi.Dattani6 (0)6 (0)3 (2)
Gayatri.Gole3 (0)4 (1)DNP
Kelly.Castle6 (2)9 (1)10 (2)
Grace.Scrivens4 (0)7 (1)7 (1)
Katie.Midwood8 (1)DNPDNP
Alice.Macleod1 (1)--
Joanne.Gardner6 (1)1.4 (0)5 (0)
Emily.ThorpeDNP3.2 (0)7 (0)
Sonali.PatelDNPDNP10 (3)